
Why sales-hub sharing is growth engine for startups?


Sales-hub sharing is a marketing agreement between two companies, which allows one company to use the other one’s sales-hub partially or fully to grow in one city market.


What are the current challengers for companies to grow internationally?

The journey each company takes to gain market share in international markets is full of uncertainty, risks and it requires heavy marketing investment. Every company has limited resources. Allocating those limited resources to maximize gain is primary goal of every company.


Why sales-hub sharing is smart solution to enter international markets?

Sales-hub sharing reduces the costs, and risks of entering a new market. It helps companies to overcome the market barriers of entering a new market. Companies access invaluable assets of their sales-hub partners via sales-hub sharing. They access to marketing expertise, market know-how, network, and sales channels of their sales-hub partner. Accessing these assets in the target market facilitates market entry and accelerates growth in the target markets.


Here is a list of some growth opportunities sales-hub sharing provides:

-       Sales-hub sharing enables a company to access the marketing strengths of another company to grow within one city market,

-       Sales-hub sharing avoids brand damaging mistakes caused by language barrier, cultural differences, and lack of knowledge about regulations in the target markets because the local companies, which provide sales hub for that market are already aware of those damaging acts,

-       Sales-hub sharing makes it easy to launch new products and services in international markets, and therefore lower the risk of market entry for the new comers,

-       Sales-hub sharing speeds up growth of a company in the home city market if a company execute sales-hub sharing with other companies who are active in the home market, 

-       Sales-hub sharing accelerates a company growth in other cities nationally or internationally,

-       Sales-hub sharing makes it affordable for companies to enter into international city markets in the fastest, and more efficient way,

-       Sales-hub sharing diversifies growth portfolio of a company via entering multiple city markets, therefore if growth in one city market slows down or stopped for some reasons, the company still grow because of its growth rate in other city markets,

-       Sales-hub sharing empowers companies to create global brands without building sales teams for each city market in-house,

-       Sales-hub sharing helps companies to create decentralize sales strategy suitable for each city market they are operating at,


If sales-hub sharing is backed by a smart sales strategy with flexibility to adjust for each city market, it can be a global growth engine for a business to penetrate in major city market worldwide.


enjoy sales-hub sharing